Rubrica di una mamma italiana in Australia: Sogno d’una notte di fine estateNon c’è più bella cosa che svegliarsi dopo una lunga nottata ristoratrice. A maggior ragione se quella notte hai fatto uno di quei sogni…Feb 22, 2024Feb 22, 2024
I Just Watched The Great Hack On NetflixDefinitely not the light movie time I usually crave at the end of a long day in a research laboratory.Aug 1, 2019Aug 1, 2019
Dear 2019, I Am Ready For YouOk, this is not the usual list of sensible resolutions for the new year, such as getting a membership at the gym, becoming vegan, or going…Jan 1, 2019Jan 1, 2019
Published inP.S. I Love YouReturning to Love the SunThere was a time in my life,Sep 11, 2018Sep 11, 2018
Published inP.S. I Love YouNothing Like The Love In The Fairy TalesHe does not make me coffee in the morning.Feb 15, 20183Feb 15, 20183
Take your life with a bit of philosophy: 4 steps for a happier lifeLife is challenging and everyone carries his own crosses. Despite the glorious photos that we share on social medias, our lives are not…Feb 4, 2018Feb 4, 2018
Published inP.S. I Love YouUnconditional LoveI would hold you tight, till you breathe my soul,Dec 19, 2017Dec 19, 2017